Tips for Switching from Work Mode to Mom Mode
If you’re anything like me, switching from work mode to mom mode can be challenging. Transitioning from the demands of your work day and maybe a few unfinished tasks to the chaos that is being a mom can be really difficult. Wanting to do your best and reach your career aspirations can get in the way of being present when your work day ends. I am sharing some tips for you to keep in mind to make this easier, and to hopefully allow you to enjoy both worlds and find some balance.
Tip 1: Set Boundaries
When you’re at work, focus solely on work tasks. Resist the temptation to check personal emails or make personal calls during office hours. By setting these boundaries, you’ll be able to give your undivided attention to your job, which can help you feel more accomplished and less stressed when it’s time to head home. This also needs to be the same when you’re off of work. Resist the urge to check work emails or answer work calls when you’re not on the clock. Shutting down your work computer and putting it away when you work from home can help with this. It may also help to have a designated workspace and avoid using that space for anything but work time.
Tip 2: Create a Transition Routine
Develop a ritual that helps signal the end of the workday and the beginning of family time. This could be something as simple as changing out of your work clothes, listening to your favorite playlist during your commute, or jotting down a to-do list for the next day before leaving the office. Having a transition routine can help shift your mindset from work to home and ease the transition.
Tip 3: Practice Mindfulness
Take a few moments before leaving work, in your car, or before you leave home to pick up the kids to practice mindfulness or meditation. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on the present moment. I like using the mindfulness/deep breathing feature on my Apple watch. This can help alleviate any lingering stress from the workday and allow you to be more present with your family with a clearer, calmer mind.
Tip 4: Delegate and Share Responsibilities
As moms, we often feel the need to do it all, but it’s essential to recognize when it’s time to delegate tasks and share responsibilities with our partners or other family members. Whether it’s dividing household chores, meal preparation, or childcare duties, sharing the load can lighten the burden and create more quality time for bonding with your little ones.
Tip 5: Unplug and Be Present
When you’re with your family, make a conscious effort to unplug from technology and be fully present. Put away your phone, turn off notifications, and engage in meaningful conversations and activities with your kids. Quality time together is precious, so make the most of it by giving your undivided attention to your loved ones. There are so many more things pulling at our attention than ever before. Brian Solis has a fantastic book about this and I highly encourage you to read it! The book is called Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life.
Tip 6: Prioritize Self-Care
Remember to prioritize self-care amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Schedule time for activities that rejuvenate you, whether it’s going for a walk, therapy, practicing yoga, reading a book, or indulging in a hobby you love. Taking care of yourself is essential for your overall well-being and enables you to show up as the best version of yourself for your family.
Tip 7: Be Flexible and Forgiving
Finally, embrace flexibility and forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings. There will be days when things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Give yourself grace, learn from any challenges you encounter, and approach each day with a positive mindset. There is only so much of you to go around and we can only be stretched so thin. There can be a fine line between work mode and mom mode and finding balance can be really tough and take some major practice.
Transitioning from work to home life as a working mom is with out a doubt a balancing act, but with a little mindfulness, organization, and self-compassion, you can navigate this journey with grace and fulfillment. Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, and your dedication to both your career and your family is truly admirable. Here’s to finding that some semblance of balance and normalcy and doing our best to enjoy precious moments with our little ones.
Do you have any additional tips or tricks for transitioning from work mode to mom mode? Share them in the comments below—we’re all in this together! To read more about work life balance, check out my other blog posts!